- Parents/students are asked to notify the instructor in advance of any planned or unplanned absences.
- As an alternative to missing a lesson due to a planned absence, students/parents may arrange to swap lesson times with another student up to five times per nine-month contract period with prior approval from the instructor.
- Lessons missed for personal reasons (doctor appointments, vacations, minor illness) will not be rescheduled.
- If a student forgets to bring their books, the instructor may choose to loan books to the student or use other learning activities during the lesson. However, if this becomes habitual, the student may be dismissed from the lesson early at the discretion of the instructor.
- Instructors are not obligated to make up a lesson if the student forgets to report at their assigned time.
- The nine-month calendar includes a few additional lesson days beyond the required thirty lessons, and are included to accommodate the need for makeup lessons. These days will be used first to make up instructor absences and/or excused student absences, such as sick days, athletic events, field trips, testing days, and fine arts competitions.
- Once a student has received thirty lessons during their nine-month contract, instructors are under no obligation to teach additional lessons.
- Lessons missed for emergencies (family death, accident, illness that results in absence from school) may be rescheduled as the instructor's schedule will allow or during the additional lesson day at the end of the contract term.
- Arrangements for make-up lessons due to long-term injuries should be worked out with the instructor.
- If the instructor has the necessary equipment and is willing, virtual make-up lessons may be scheduled upon request to accommodate the needs of a student who is experiencing a hardship due to inclement weather or extended illness or injury.
Billing Schedule
- Contracts for lessons are available for three, six, and nine month periods. Summer lessons are available for IAFA students by private arrangement with their instructor.
- Payment instructions are mailed around August 20 and the first payment is due by September 5.
- Lessons begin in late August (or the month you choose to begin lessons) and run until the contract expires.
- Assuming regular attendance on the part of the student, a minimum of ten lessons will be offered during each three-month contract, twenty lessons for each six-month contract, and thirty lessons for each nine-month contract period.